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Education Program

Children Education Program Hands of Care and Hope

We have three schools under our administration

  • St. Clare Primary School
  • Mother Kevin Community School
  • St. Francis of Assisi Secondary School

Child Education

Our Education initiatives focus on ensuring children from families with low economic backgrounds attain quality education.

Through our primary and secondary schools, we offer quality all-rounded education to learners. Hands of Hope and Care has managed to maintain excellent performances in the Kenya national examinations.

Because the development of children has to be mental and physical, we provide for both academic and extra-curricular activities.

HCH-FMSA employs TSC registered qualified teachers to enable the provision of quality learning for every child.

Your donation will go a long way to provide basic education to more children

Feeding a Child

Hands of Care and Hope provides free meals for every child in school. We ensure that the foods are nutritious to keep the children healthy.

In addition, some children get food supplies to carry home in the evenings, weekends, and during school holidays so that they do not starve while at home.

Help children to see beyond their daily struggles by giving them hope: 

Child Food Program Hands of Care and Hope
Co-Curriculum Hands of Care and Hope

Extra Curriculum Activities

Our learners participate in numerous co and extra-curricular activities in St. Clare, St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Kevin Primary schools. These include clubs like music/drama, scouts, science, environment, debate, journalism. They also have a selection of sports activities including football, netball and volleyball. The music and dance group from St. Francis has in the last 6 years been proceeded to National music & drama festival competition.

In 2016, the group scooped a winners’ trophy in traditional dance category. We introduced specialized coaching for various sporting activities like tennis, badminton, chess, football and netball.

Social Services

At HCH-FMSA, we endeavour to provide for social needs of all our pupils & students through our dedicated social workers, offering home visits, group and individual counselling of both children and parents/guardians. Many of our pupils come from troubled backgrounds and experience numerous stressful cases from time to time. These cases are psychosocial and financial and require a multi-pronged approach in dealing with them. Handling them entails close and keen monitoring and follow-ups including guidance and counselling and possible referral to other relevant institutions for the cases that fall beyond our scope.

Our experienced social workers are in charge of these duties and always ensure children are in the right state of mind to come to school and learn.

Social Worker with Learners During Home Visit

Social workers are also involved in Integrated Responsible Parenting IRP and Out of School Youth Programs in mobilization, support, and follow up of the beneficiaries after training.