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Empowerment Program

We are committed to ensure better outcomes for in life for disadvantaged children. Our training program is divided into two groups:

  • Integrated Responsible Parenting
  • Out of School Youth
Parents Group Discussion Hands of Care and Hope

The main thematic areas include;

  • Behaviour change process
  • Responsible Parenting Phase 1 and Phase 2
  • Advocacy and Human rights
  • Integrated water management and sanitation practices
  • Small business management training
  • Drug and substance awareness

Integrated Responsible Parenting Program

Hands of Care and Hope offers Integrated Responsible Parenting Program (IRP) as a complementary program. The training is aimed at equipping parents with relevant skills and knowledge so that they can undertake their parenting roles effectively.

The intervention uses different models and approaches to ensure that all parents follow training without difficulties.

The program started in 2011 and has so far empowered 770 parents/guardians of our children in school. It has contributed to the uplifting of livelihoods in the families where our children come from and contributed to the improved psychosocial well-being of our learners.

Out of School Youth Program

We believe in second chances therefore, this program focuses on youths who due to financial constraints failed to complete their education. We empower the young adults through different technical trainings to better their future

To create the leaders of tomorrow, Hands of hope and care help young adults to build skills that allow them to become independent through self-employment. Thus reducing the crime rate, early pregnancies and drug additions.

The program targets youth who have either dropped out of school or completed secondary school but couldn’t further their education due to financial constrains resulting to desperation and hopelessness.  The project is divided into various segments, which include Behavior change process, ongoing character formation, counseling, faith development, and support into technical vocational training to be fit for the job market.

Members of Youth Group Graduating After 2 - Month Long Life Skills Training

Over 1,250 youths have had their lives positively transformed through the program and become self-reliant, productive and responsible citizens. The technical skills include Catering, Hairdressing and beauty, Fitness and Nutrition, ECDE, tailoring, mechanic, Electrical wiring and Installation, Plumbing, Sign language and Patient Attendant.