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His Story – Vincent Panyako

Vincent Panyako - Hands od Care and Hope - FMSA

Vincent was rescued by Social workers from the streets collecting scrap metals for sale so that he can pay rent, buy food, clothing and buy school items. His mother died while he was still young living him under the care of his drunkard absentee father. While on the streets he was subjected to various tortures, started sniffing glue, used by thugs to carry guns and snatching people their belongings.

We intervened to rescue him from the streets and the criminal behaviour. The process involved continuous counselling, rehabilitation and reintegration back to school and normal life. We took care of all the requirements needed for admission and enrolled him into St. Clare Primary school. The boy changed and became hardworking, brilliant and focused.

He completed his primary school in 2018 and attained 359 marks out of 500 marks. We admitted him to our St. Francis of Assis secondary school in 2019 to proceed with his education. Living with an alcoholic irresponsible father, life became harder for him and compromised his regular school attendance since he sought to start pulling carts with luggage at a small fee so that he could afford the required basic needs. In order not to lose the gains we made in changing the boy, HCH took the responsibilities and has been sustaining him both in school and at home. He is currently in Form 4 and working very hard to do well in examinations and in his future.

Picture of asher


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